Preggo phone sex whore

Preggo phone sex

I love being a Preggo phone sex whore. My son loves to feel up my newly round belly and wait for his new precious sister that’s going to pop out. What I didn’t know what that he was also going to pop out something! His hard cock sprung up out of his boxers when feeling my belly bump. “Oh, shit, my bad mom.” He laughed. “Oh no, it’s okay, honey. Let mommy take care of that for you.” I giggled before getting on my knees and grabbing his fat cock into my hand. “What a handful.” I giggled, then I stroked my own son’s cock with my little mommy hand. “Mm, fuck mom. I think I’m going to need something more wet.” Of course, I put my wet mommy mouth on his cock and got to licking! My son’s cock is so tasty! I love being his incest Mommy whore. Incest is really healthy for my son’s cock. He cums with joy! My pussy was getting so wet for him. My fingers went down into my fuckwhole and I started finger fucking myself like no tomorrow. “Fuck! Mommy, I’m going to cum! Open your damn mouth.” I opened up my mouth for my son while my Wet mommy pussy came all over my fingers and his white steamy load splashed all over my face and tongue.

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