Preggo phone sex brat snuff

preggo phone sex Today is one of those days where this preggo phone sex momma can barely get out of bed. This fucking demon spawn is kicking up a storm and draining me of all my energy. I regret breeding when theses stupid slutkins are whining and fussing and I just want to sleep. I had the notion to toss them all out the upstairs window when Big D came home! I was yelling and threatening the lives of these so-called sweet innocents. But they are devils spawn. And I’m being put through hell! This is my punishment for incest inbreeding and watching men fuck small ones brains out on video. I decided right then and there I would be the one jumping out the window and spattering me and the brat inside me all over the driveway. But Big daddy stopped me as I told him what I was about to do. He said we could start fresh. That much was true. But we could sell these sluts we already have and the one waiting in my womb to some men across the ocean who would use and destroy them without us ever having to be involved! That made this mommy phone sex slut stop in her tracks. I asked the question what of I really wanted to watch them be tortured and fucked up? That would make me feel better and I liked the idea of disposable brats for my and Big D’s pleasures! 


    • Oscar on April 26, 2022 at 8:05 pm
    • Reply

    I’d buy one of your little brats and use them on camera. I’ll send a still frame via post card.

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