My Son is a Sissy

Sissy Boy Phone SexLately I’ve been noticing my panties in my son’s room. I’ve come to realize that my son is becoming a little sissy boy and I want to make sure he knows what that means. I walked into his room tonight and there he was with my fucking panties on touching his thick cock through my panties. He was so scared when I walked in, and he should be because I’m going to show him what I do to little sissy bitches in my fucking house. I grabbed him by his little arm and bent him over my knee and asked him how long he has been a little sissy. He told me for about a year, and I said that’s okay but since he lied about it that means he needs to be punished. I started to rub his little soft round ass with my hand and gave him 20 smacks. I could tell that it turned him on, and I told him to get on his knees in front of me and be a good little sissy slut and make mommy cum on that pretty little face. He did such a good job so I thought I would reward him by letting him cum. I brought in mommy’s favorite anal beads and put them right into his tight hole while I was sucking on my little sissy boy’s cock. He was so close to cuming and I let him cum all over my lactating mommy titties and made him lick up all of his cum and drink my tittie milk.


    • Oscar on April 26, 2022 at 8:07 pm
    • Reply

    tell his sissy ass to suck my dick while i drink your milk!

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