My day everyday

mom phone sex

 Mommy loves to have lessons stretching, yoga, and gymnastics. I keep my little ones in shape and make sure they will be flexible as much as I am. I need them to be. We stretch naked every day before all the guys come over to fuck us. I need my oldest to be able to put her legs over her head, and use Kegel weights to keep that pussy in check.

Every time daddy comes over he always makes sure that our pussy is right. We keep getting told how amazing our pussy feels and tastes. We are on a strict diet of protein and fruits so you know the taste is just right.

So happy to finally say I’m pregnant and hoping to have a boy this time. My day is going to be busy with exercising and getting fucked by my three best guys and watching over my brats. My oldest has started her period and is all ready to have her self her first little itty bundle of joy. At night after we have had plenty of cum shoved in our pussy its time for some fun phone sex time. I’m a horny mommy lets have some fun together.

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