Mommy Blakely Is One Cock Sucking Mommy Whore!

Cock Sucking Mommy Blakely

This mommy is one hot and naughty piece of ass. I am a mommy whore, and I am absolutely proud of it. My youngsters know what a whore I am, and they are proud to call me their mom. They are also proud to call me their girlfriend from time to time. Let me tell you, sucking their cocks is always a treat! They taste so fucking amazing and smell like such manly men musk that it makes my pussy just drip.

I love sucking on their delicious meaty, veiny, cocks that I could do it in my sleep, in fact I do! I dream about it from time to time and it makes me wake up all hot and flustered. I end up running to the nearest bar and finding a decent looking fella to fuck and suck. I don’t care where we do it, it could be in the bathroom stall in the club. Or, it could be in the fanciest hotel ever invented, either way that cock is mine.

I’m like a shark, once I set my eyes on the cock that I want, I will eat you all up! Though with these looks it’s not very hard to find my prey. I simply give them that oh so helpless woman gaze of mine, like a damsel in distress needing and longing for a mans hand to aid me in my endeavors. The only thing is I’m not one, I can play the part perfectly to get exactly what I want though.

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