Category: Breeding whore

Phone Sex Milf Gets a Housewife Day Treat

Phone sex milfI do my best, every day, to be a wonderful and loving mother and housewife. I tend to the needs of my darlings, cook meals, clean house, run errands that keep our house running smoothly, and manage each of their schedules. Very rarely do you find a load of laundry left around, trash not taken out. My husband comes in to a home-cooked meal every day, and I am more than happy to have his bath drawn for him. Last night, however, something peculiar happened. Rather than me serving my family and my husband, they found ways to beat me to my own tasks. Every time I would think I had figured out what I needed to do, it would already be done. Then, I went to the living room to just sit for a minute, and found a note on my seat that directed me to the bathroom. I walked in, and my husband was standing there in the buff, 2 glasses of wine in hand.

He informed me that the angels were with our parents and their friends, and that we had the night to ourselves. He wrapped me up in a soft embrace that melted me inside. When he lifted me to lower me into the bath tub, my heart soared like the first time we ever made love, and I felt my cunt start to melt away into a pool of desire. My nipples pearled up, and I could see his reaction to the effects he was having on me: his shaft was standing at attention, and he asked if he could join me in the tub. I let him slip in behind me, and his hands quickly found the soap and started massaging me all over. I melted into him and let him minister to my body, feeling my breathing quicken and my pussy catch fire. His hands massaged my breasts, and I couldn’t control the gasp that escaped me. His soapy, sudsy hand slid down into the water and found my flower; he started massaging the soapy hand into my clit, pushing a finger or 2 into my pussy every so often. He fingered me for what felt like an eternity before he finally released me of my torture and lifted me onto his lap. His cock thrusting up into me was heaven, and I wrapped us up together as he started thrusting hard and deep into me in long, slow strokes. He drove me to heaven again and again last night, and we didn’t leave that tub until the water was too cold to tolerate.

Wet Mommy Pussy – Battlestar Galactica

Wet mommy pussyHalloween was such a treat for my darlings. Each of them got to hand-pick their costume, and they got to tell me what makeup they wanted to wear. I did not scrimp on or laugh at any of their decisions, as they made such wonderful choices, and the overall effect, once all was said and done, was amazing! I had an entire crew of Humans vs Cylons, as seen on Battlestar Galactica! That’s right, my darlings wanted to be from BSG, and they pulled it off brilliantly. From my fighter pilot to my dear youngest being Commander Adama from the Council of 12, my sweethearts pulled off the best costuming I have seen in years! The fun part, though, was helping them all get undressed after the fun was over. I had to pull skin-tight clothing off of some of them, and the makeup that others had to wear. It turned into a very sensual situation after a bit, with hands lightly caressing along skin, mouths beginning to mesh. Soon enough, there was an orgy happening in my front room. Everyone was touching, kissing, fucking. I think the funniest part was looking over and seeing Commander Adama thrusting in and out of the sphincter of a very happy Cylon. I couldn’t help it, I just had to join in. So, I took off my own flight suit, and I dove into the fray, finding a cock to suck on and one to stuff into my cunt.

Halloween Horrors

2 girl phone sex

Halloween is Monday and Tammy and I plan to take our little ones trick or treating together. They’re all around the same age; the oldest will help out with all the little brats and when we go home the real fun will begin. Once we’re home we can evaluate their little outfits and costumes. There are 11 of them all together, almost a dozen and soon will be a dozen because Tammy is ready to pop in the next few months! Either way, we dressed them all up like bimbo whores. They all loved the idea ‘a slutty princess’ is what we called them. Their cheeky smiles showed they had no clue of what was to come! We let them pig out on candy, the oldest passed out in no time from a sugar coma and that left 6 of them to play with! I was getting turned on with the anticipation and Tammy and I sat next to each other breastfeeding. I could feel my pussy getting wet, and I could smell how turned on Tammy was too. I knew it wasn’t only me who got turned on by the suckling of my little one on my milk swollen tits. I moaned and Tammy knew it was time to start the next part of our night…for the little ones it was Halloween Horrors! We were having a party, a party for adults only with our precious dressed up slut princess as the prizes. We even had contests planned for the men we’d invited! The first one was bobbing for tonsils! Every guy had to see how far and deep he could stick his cock! My girls were choking and couldn’t breathe as their throats were used but I only got wetter watching them struggle. Tammy loved helping hold their little heads as each guy took a turn. The next contest was a hot one!!! Who can get the bloodiest cock…that can only happen when they fuck our YOUNGEST daughters. Those holes are so small they had to be ripped wide open and gaping to fit a cock. Their screams urged me to soak my panties! It truly was the best Halloween for Tammy and I…

Jack off with mommy

Breeding Whore Celebration Lunch!

Breeding whoreOne of my darlings has just found out she’s pregnant!! So, by way of celebrating, I took her out to her favorite Asian restaurant. We ordered our food, and started talking about the plans for the baby. I’m not sure what happened next, I just know that suddenly there was a hand in my skirt feeling its way to my cunt, and my daughter’s eyes dropped to her own lap. There was a man under the table!! He moved his head along toward my cunt, and he started eating me, right there where I sat!! My daughter’s face was registering amusement and disdain in equal parts. He got me off but good!! His tongue really knew how to work. My daughter’s smirk told me that she knew keeping quiet was a struggle for me, but the look on her face when his tongue found her cunt next was priceless. I could see the lust battling with the desire to stop him on her face, but the lust won out. She came to a shuddering orgasm that actually shook our table. It had customers turning our way to make sure everything was ok. Her flush of embarrassment made the entire meal worth every dime!!

Sissy Mom Visits the Pumpkin Patch

Sissy momI took the darlings to the local pumpkin patch the other day. We want to be prepared for Halloween, it’s our favorite holiday! Well, my youngest angel gave me a fright when he disappeared from view, and I had to have his siblings help me locate him. He had found a vine that wound back into a wooded area. I’m not sure that the owner of the farm even realized how far his pumpkin patch had gotten. We found another little patch of about 12 pumpkins growing less than 20 yards from the patch, inside of that wooded area. Well, no sooner had we started exploring those pumpkins than my youngest darlings decided they were hungry. We were in a well-covered area, so I opened my blouse and allowed them to nurse. Apparently, the sight of my breasts being suckled made the rest of my darlings rather hungry, too. They started surrounding me, and then we found ourselves in a tangle of bodies. The girls trying to suckle from my breasts, the guys trying to suckle on the girls breasts, and cocks began to find pussies and sphincters. We must have spent an hour or so in that secluded grove, all tangled together in a passionate heap, before finally sorting ourselves back out and resuming our pumpkin hunting. The farmer never questioned what could take a family so long to pick pumpkins, he was happy to have sold 12 of them in one shot!

Phone Sex Milf Visits Campus

Phone sex milfI had to meet the dean yesterday at my darling Bernard’s school. Apparently, he’s been acting strangely, and the faculty have been increasingly concerned of his behavior. Well, of course I marched my way directly across campus to his dormitory, and I barged my way past the young man who wished to stop me. I told him he could take his complaint to the dean as I proceeded up the stairs to my son’s room. His roommate and he were sitting across the room from one another, apparently indulging in a rather lively debate. It took only one look from me to have his roommate scurrying from the room. I closed the door and stood there, staring my son down. He had the good sense to look sheepish, but before I could utter a word, he was on his feet and at my breast. He buried his head there, suckling and nursing as he had for the first few years of his life. He informed me that he had been more and more homesick with each passing day, and that my showing up had felt like a great weight had fallen from his shoulders. My heart broke for my precious boy. I quickly stripped down and relieved him of his clothing. I pulled him down onto his bed, where I held and snuggled him for a good while before allowing him to pleasure me and then himself. I left him full of his cum, and the assurances that he would be ok for a while longer, and that he loved me. The things I would not do for my babies.


Preggo Phone Sex

Mommy can’t help she is addicted. I keep getting pregnant, I keep breastfeeding. I keep being a breeding whore over and over again. I keep letting these guys hurt my babygirls over and over. I know they need it to grow up just like me! Something I’ve loved doing lately is breastfeeding one or two of my daughters then passing them off to another man to fuck. Something that would be hot is if I was having my sweet little one sucking on my tit while a cock was forced into her ass or her pussy. She’d be fighting it and sucking on my tit not knowing what to do, and I’d be cumming fucking hard watching and helping it all go down. My cunt is ready to be bred, but right now I’ve got a little one in me brewing. Though you can always fuck it out and get our seed buried deep if you’d like. I don’t care as long as I get my fix. You know what I mean.

Phone Sex Milf Enjoys Columbus Day

Phone sex milfMy darlings and I took a stroll today, to enjoy the beautiful holiday weather. It’s perfect out: cooling temps, warm sun, only a few clouds. My darlings ran amok the moment we entered the park, several of them heading for the play equipment while the older sweethearts took to the walking trails. I found myself an ideal location from which to watch my dears, and found myself seated next to a pleasant gentleman. He was quite courteous in his conversation, but his body language told me that he was very interested. After several minutes of niceties and banter, I asked if he wouldn’t like to accompany me for a short walk. When we were out of view of the angels, and all other park-comers, I pulled him in to a deep kiss, which took him by surprise. By the time he realized what was happening to him, my mouth was already taking his head in my mouth. He grabbed my head on either side, squeezed, and started pounding down my throat. He fucked my face like he would die if he stopped. He spent Columbus Day discovering a new territory, indeed. Once he came down my throat, he flipped me over, picked my legs up and wrapped them around his neck as he devoured my cunt. By the time he got around to fucking my pussy, I had orgasmed multiple times all over his mouth. He bent me over and plowed into me from behind until we both came in one quivering mass.

My Painted Preggo Halloween Costume

Pregnant phone sex

Halloween is coming soon and I wrack my brain thinking of a costume to wear as I walked around trick-or-treating with the girls. My usual slut costumes wont do with this belly hanging out. Even though it is October, it’s still hot as hell here in the south and I hate clothes anyway. I decided the closest I could come to slutty or naked would be body painting. I decided I would draw a pumpkin on my preggo belly and walk with my belly bare with nothing but shorts and a sports bra. It would bring stares, but hey, what do I care if the old bitties stare anyway? Maybe all the flesh showing will entice a Daddy or two to follow me home. Those bags of candy do get heavy and I may need help getting out of my costume! I’ll have to make sure that paint is edible, so my new friends can use their mouths to help me out of my costume. I sure do hope they love milk since my Mommy milk is flowing freely.  My hand finds its way into my panties as I play out this fantasy in my mind. I don’t think I’ve been this eager for Halloween in a while. I hear the girls playing in the next room and think of calling them in to nurse on Mommy. The thought  of their sweet little mouths latching on to my full tits is enough to get me there and as I moan loudly in orgasm, I see them peaking in the doorway and call them to me. It seems my fun for tonight has just started.

preggo phone sex

Pregnancy Fantasy

Mom Fantasies

Everyday I’m bombarded with sexy mom fantasies that get stuck in my head! I can’t wait to have huge swollen breasts that squirt warm milk everywhere if they get pinched or groped too hard. I crave the feeling of a nice hard cock plowing into my young teen pussy while I have a little bundle of joy growing in my flat tummy. But what I want the most is seeing my little flat tummy balloon out with a little one inside of it. To feel hot cum spray across my swollen belly after a nice long fuck session! And after I give birth to my little one, I’ll raise her to be a nasty little cum slut just for you! I wanna see her little holes gaping open with your cum flowing from her sweet little virgin pussy! Just think of all the many possibilities for her tiny body once I bring her into this world. Her mouth, her little tight asshole and that sweet little pussy of course. All yours. And all mine to watch and savor!