2 girl phone sex doesn’t get better than mommy daughter fun

2 girl phone sexMy fingers kneaded at her back while she worked on her 2 girl phone sex blowjob training. It was one of my daughter’s first times sucking a cock entirely too big for her. Some mothers would have probably not let her take the challenge. They’d have stopped her from testing herself, from learning, from progressing, but me? I sat here and helped her along. I held her blonde hair out of her face so the messy spittle, unable to be kept in or stopped from making a sloppy mistake, wouldn’t drench her hair and make it bunch up. I straightened her posture to the right angle so she could take it deeper without extending her jaw too much. My teen phone sex expert was such a cutie, abused and continuing to force it along in the best of ways! Her round face made me all the happier to see it plunged into, to see his dick outlined in her throat, to see her struggle almost gave me an orgasm. The point is that I’m here, and as I massaged her back I felt her make progress. I felt her figure out how to turn her head just right to stop some of the jaw pain. I saw her masterfully learn how to take small breaths in between bobs so she didn’t pass out. One of her sisters did not learn that very well, and I had to hold her hair to bob for her as he came before I pulled her off and made sure she was okay. There’s something magical about that first time, that fear, and how she played through it and learned made me so damn proud. You don’t get that kind of experience being a prudish and overprotective mother. You can’t be proud of the sexual exploits and lessons of a girl who you’re pretending doesn’t look at guys. I don’t fear for my daughters, I fear for their victims, because I’m raising sexual powerhouses and sexy phone chat masters.

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