Your adult baby butt is mine

Jack Off With Mommy

You have been such a naughty little shit today. Talking back, not doing what you are told. I think some discipline is in order for a baby brat like you.

And just your luck we are having company tonight.

I make you put on your most frilly over adult diapers type of panties. I put a nook in your mouth so that I don’t have to hear any more sass from you. I tell you to crawl out to where the guests are seated and have to be the baby you are. The crying starts in front of the guests and I’m not too happy. I guess being displayed in front of the guests isn’t enough incentive to behave. I grab a chair, sit down and tell you to lie across my lap. In front of everyone, I take the back of your diaper off and give your ass a bunch of hard smacks. Your ass is turning red, bright red. I give a few more just to make sure it stings some and put your diaper back on. Have you learned a lesson about being a brat today? A bit of humiliation in front of a bunch of people should keep your sassiness in check…or it will escalate and go even further beyond that.

Mommy son phone sex

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