Wet Mommy Pussy Gets It

Wet mommy pussy


I can’t help it if my hot and sweet, moist and wet mommy pussy wants to be sucked on, sexed up and fully satisfied on a daily basis.  I’m always super horny and I don’t give a shit who the hell I have to use to get what I want.  Men, women, friends, strangers, I’ll even corner my own crotch goblins to get my jollies if I feel like it.  I’m not shy about being a complete and total mommy slut, I’ll tell the whole fucking world.  It’d probably get me laid even more!

It’s not hard to find someone who wants to get into a super slimy hot pink pussy, there are horn balls of all shapes and sizes practically everywhere I go.  Grocery store, gas station, hair salon, pizza place, I can find a freak who wants to let me ride them like a rented mule.  Shit, I got out of a DUI one time by blowing the intake officer right there in front of everyone at the county jail.  Literally anywhere.  If I want some sexy fuck action, I’ll get it.

I know, I sound like the world’s biggest skanky slut who just wants to have her mommy cunt worshiped and pleased at all costs.  I mean, you’re not wrong, but so what, who cares?  Are you going to tell me that you don’t like to cum as much as possible, whenever and with whomever you can?  Yeah, right!  If that were true, you probably wouldn’t be here reading my phone sex blogs!


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