Wanted: Fresh Meat

Will someone please fuck this brat out of me!

My tits are getting so big and dripping all the time! I keep waking up with this darnn purring ball of fur licking my lactating baby feeders!

Once I even woke up with her chowing down on my tuna hole! And the tongue on that furry snowball is like sand paper on my klitty!

I need a big thick cock to stuff in there to keep her away! A nice thick man snake to squirt some warm pussy medicine on my soar clit!

Oh yes! I nice big fat one to stretch my tight little cunt all out and then cream pie my fuck hole with all that cock cream!

But I have already fucked every cock in town!Preggo phone sex

I have had the dicks that are big and the ones that are small,

Yes, I do believe I have had them all!

The ones that are thin and the ones that are fat,

the cocks that are white and the cocks that are black!

Every dick in town has fucked this whore,

Sometimes two at a time! Sometimes more!

But My cunt aches to be fucked

So y’all wish me some luck,

I am heading to the navel docks

To fuck a new fleet of cocks!


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