Trisha’s Wet Mommy Pussy

Wet mommy pussy

I had to go to the store to get some items for my mini’s. I was in the toy isle looking at random things that mine have told me they wanted from seeing them on TV and I ran across this toy that is similar to Lego’s but it seems like a knock off brand of it.  As I continued walking through the isles, I ran across the toys for the really small mini’s. I found so many vibrating toys it was ridiculous. I felt like I was in an adult toy tore. hey had vibrating teether’s, gel ice pack vibrating toys and way too many things that were so fun looking and all that went through my head was 101 ways I could use them to get off. My mommy pussy was soaking wet by the time I got to the end of tat isle. I even had to purchase a few to satisfy my curiosity. I went home and I played with all of the new toys I bought. At this point I really think they need to put some dual use signs on these, because they work great. I got off several times. Who would have thought, a vibrating teething toy could second as a cunt toy.

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