Surprise in the night

Horny milf pictures

My little man suck into bed with me last night. Boy oh boy did he get an eye full. I went to bed a little drunk and I was so horny I had to play. I pulled out my favorite vibrator and ass plug. I started off sucking on my plug. Getting it nice and wet for my asshole. I wanted to be filled up so much. I spread my ass cheeks open and shoved that plug into my asshole. It felt so amazing having my ass filled up! My mommy cunt was dripping and ready to be pounded.

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I fucked myself so hard I squirted and I couldn’t stop! I wanted more! I continued to fuck myself until I passed out from ecstasy. When my little man snuck under my covers he found my vibrator at full speed and my ass hole still stuffed. He took the vibrator and put it against the anal plug making it vibrate and make my pussy wet again. I woke up to my pussy being slammed full again but with my sons cock! He wanted his mommies wet cunt so bad! 

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