Spring is coming Phone sex mommy

phone sex mommySpring is coming for this fertile phone sex mommy! Spring is the time of rebirth and Birth of all creatures far and wide. My new Lovely little princess should be here for the arrival of the Blessed spring season! My belly aches as the Braxton hicks contractions are racking my uterus. Do you think my daddy cares? Step daddy says that while my pussy is going through these false contractions that he feels every vibration as I clamp my young cunt tight around him! I have always been fond of daddy and how smart he is. He can use my pussy as a breeding ground and enjoy all the benefits of a young cunt, while making more young cunts. My tits leaked every day and daddy would drain them dry if my brats didnt do the job! I have painted my Nursery in pastels and flowers as Spring is going to be her new name! Last night as the contractions hit again I yelled out to daddy I think Spring is coming early! He yelled back that yes it is warm but no worry the season is right on time. I yelled back, “No daddy! Our daughter is on her way!” I was crying fresh out of the tub, on the floor of the bathroom. phone sex mommyThey hurt so much and I have already had a baby girl before! I don’t remember much but she was born in the spring time too! My Son was not this hard he practically slipped out like a football! Daddy helped me into bed and said that like the flowers that bloom on time so would my little pre-whore. This phone sex mommy was worried but as daddy went down on me and soothed my contracting cunt with his mouth, I began to feel better as these bountiful false contractions ceased. Spring was coming and so was Spring my daughter just not tonight! Daddy kissed up my belly and said she was fine and so was I. He would give me his cock to rock her to sleep inside of me. I wanted his daddy meat too! I wanted the bearer of fruits of his loin to fuck me and leave his swimmers in overnight! Spring is coming and it will be beautiful; full of sex and new little ones all over the world. Trees will get foliage  as the springtime flowers and grass take over the meadows. The meadows that my incest inbreeding brats would play in as the weather catches up with the season. How would you celebrate Spring coming with this Preggo of phone sex mommy?phone sex mommy

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