Sissy training phone sex Expert

Sissy training phone sex

Sissy training phone sex is one of Hunter’s expertise. Ok, little dicks listen up! Are you searching on the internet, something about small penis humiliation, sissification or the like? Do you worry that your little cock isn’t good enough to please females because it’s pathetically small and no woman in her right mind would want to fuck you because of your ‘small’ issue?

You need to feel bad about being cursed with a little limp dick no woman really wants. The only thing your small clit dick is good for is absolutely nothing at all. No woman in the world wants a little pencil dick even if she doesn’t like big dicks. You are totally out of the picture when it comes to desirability. No one wants your penis for Live phone chat. However, this does not mean you wouldn’t be a perfect cum dumpster or ass licker. *giggles*

You could be trained to be the perfect submissive slut and lick the cum off men’s genitals when they are done squirting their juices everywhere. You are the clean-up sissy maid boy toy service every person could use when cum needs to be cleaned…I mean licked up. lol! I would dress you up in black nylon stockings and heels and you would be forced to wear a lacy apron. You need this since you are in sissy maid training to lick and suck the cum off bigger cocks during Hunter’s small penis humiliation.

Little dicks need to be talked into bi-sissification. I would tell you to bend down on all fours while blindfolded and order my bbc to peg you hard in your ass. Then I would send you home wearing your big girl panties.


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