Sissy Son Becomes Mindless Slut for Father and Brother

Sissy training phone sex

The best part of being a sissy is being used like a mindless slut. Men with big cocks love brainless fuck dolls they can fuck the shit out of. You can fuck a man in all sorts of positions, but the feminine mindset is always that you are a toy to be used. For this, you need training turning off your brain and letting men with big cocks use you. That’s why I brought your older brother and your father here to be your guides. Get on your knees and keep your mouth open so they can face fuck you and use your throat like a pussy pocket. When they tell you to bend over, you bend over without a thought. The best kinds of sluts are the obedient kind. When they both fill your tight hole with both of their cocks, all you need to do is be a good little bitch and take it. You know you love being a mindless slut, having your holes used and abused until you’re dripping cum out of every hole. Don’t think, just get fucked. You are here to make your brother and your father feel good.


    • Mike on April 10, 2023 at 2:30 am
    • Reply

    Wow that sounds so hot

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