Sissy Maid Training

sissy maid trainingAs a Lifestyle Dominatrix, I really enjoy the experience of breaking someone down through humiliation and shame. I discovered this amazing lifestyle through seeking something in my life that would bring pleasure. If you could believe it, I used to be the Church Secretary and waiting hand and foot on the priest. I have finally embraced the real woman that I am. Breaking free for me through the humiliation and shame was one of best choices of my life.

I do currently have two sissies’ currently under my domination. I like to have two at a time, so I see how they play off each other. Sometimes they share great friendship and other times they are sworn enemies vying for my attention. My longer serving sissy came to me a few years ago. He was the priest that I had waited on hand and foot. The power exchange was phenomenal, and he will always be special to me because he was my first. He is moving back to his hometown to take care of his aging parents. He will be greatly missed.

With that said, I am in search of another Sissy that I can break down to serve me and only serve me for my total pleasure. I require those who I dominated that they be seen and not heard. They are not allowed to speak to me until I specifically ask them a direct question. There are lots of erotic times as you are learning your role as a sissy maid, but you will be meeting my every need which includes everything that would be expected of a housewife like cooking and cleaning. My one sissy always begs to be the one who gets to clean the toilet. I can only imagine what he does with the toilet brush.

If this is something that you would enjoy and living in my home 24/7 beckoned by my call, then please respond as stated in the advertisement. There will be an initial 90-day probationary period where it will be determined if you have what it takes to be a sissy boy to me. All your needs including housing, food, and other essentials but you will be at my beckon 24/7 for however I please. Does this excite you? Please reach out and let’s see if you are worthy enough of this opportunity.

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