Sissy Lessons with Mama Pearl

Sissy maid trainingSissy maid training classes are now in session, boys. Sign up now to learn to be that cum slurping little faggot that deep down you really want to be. In my special tutored classes you will meet our sissies who want to be just like you. Together we will dress up and do our make-up. You will transform from masculine guy to a sexy, flouncing girly-girl.

Lesson two will be playing with a variety of ass toys. Bring your favorites and show the class how much cock you can take. We got to get that boy-pussy stretched wide open. No man wants to fuck a cry-bebe faggot. You need to take that fuck stick to the hilt and love it.

Lesson three. We will practice on each other. Learn how to approach and flirt to get your needs met. Lots of roleplaying to get you feeling good and confident. Bring that sexy lingerie and those lace panties and learn how to rock them. High heel or stilettos required.

Lesson four is the best. I will have some sexy tranny-loving men with large cocks come in and show you how it’s done. I will fuck and suck and demonstrate on these meat sticks before I allow you to join in for your first taste of another man’s cum.

Are you ready to begin your new life as a tranny? Come join Mama Pearl for some therapy and education.

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