Sissy boy phone sex

Jack Off With MommyHe crawled on all fours like a well behaved sissy bitch and tucked a straw in my stretched hole. I had him slurp every drop of BBC seed out of my wet mommy pussy. I’ve been dating a teen and he won’t leave after getting a taste of my juices..

I decided to start dressing him up like a feminized sissy slut since he tends to whine like one. This past Saturday I left him home alone to clean up after me while I was out on the town feasting on BBC.

I got really lucky, I managed to come across a gang of hoodlums.. Their pants were sagging, they were speaking slang and smoking weed. I tried to play a cool cougar bitch, that got me bent over getting my pussy split right in the parking lot of hooters.

One of the guys happened to know my daughter.. I guess seeing how her Mommy whore gets down they now know where she gets her cock sucking skills from.

I had my pussy loaded with enough black seed for my sissy bitch to feast off of for two days straight. As soon as I got home I had that fucker massage my cunt and clean me out.

I was so swollen, those young punks really stretched and wore my snatch. I’m hoping when my daughter gets back from her trip to Aruba she will know who I am talking about when I give her a brief description of his black skin and huge dick. I want another ride on his disco stick!

Mommy whore

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