Sissy boy mommy phone sex

Phone sex mommy

My sissy boy Kurt has a slut in his head that tells him to do naughty things.. This slut gets really dirty and has been craving daddies 14 inch, 4 inch girth dick… we have plans but I’ve had to tell Kurt over and over again to prepare himself for daddies big dick.. Daddy is not your average man and his cock is going to have him split!

So, we have been trying a bunch of things to get that asshole of his gaping and fully prepared for daddies big dick. We started off by using a dildo attached to a drill… Boy, did we screw him! That fucker was moaning so loud and helplessly.. He squirted so hard into the palm of his hand. I then made him slurp his cum up, swish it around his mouth and gulp it down..

Then we tried the MayTag.. that s right we had that fucker sit on top of the washing machine on a heavy duty cycle… His suction cup dildo was attached.. He sure did get his world rocked, while telling mommy how bad he wished he had the real thing.. My sissy boy Kurt is a cock hungry whore!

BUT, The latest thing we’ve tried…

Is Our four legged companion.. Who would have thought we could actually get him to mount onto my sweet boy’s ass.. Well that voice in my faggot boys head really comes up with the best ideas.. And this one actually worked! We started off by treating our little fur ball to peanut butter fresh off his sweet little man pussy.. Then we used his favorite blanket..

We threw it over his back side and immediately he did exactly as we expected.. He ran up behind my naughty boy and dug his lipstick deep into my sissy boy’s cock craving ass… He dug his paws into his back and even made my whores ass a little bloody..

Wow, that Fur ball lasted a lot longer than your average man… he fucked him for a while before he left a huge thin creamy load of cum deep inside my faggot Kurts ass… OMG if you don’t believe me look at the picture we took right after.. Believe it or not. My hot whore is ready for another round!

Mommy phone sex

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