Sissy boy mommy fathers day

Sissy boy mommy
Sissy boy mommy turns daddies into pimped princesses. Father’s day for my husband went very well, at least for me! My husband has a thing for my strap game, and turning my daughters into little lollidoms during our family playtime. He especially loves how mommies big pegging dildos fuck my little boy’s mouth and ass. We took a little road trip to the cabin upstate. I packed my pegger and harness and a few sexy girlie outfits for my girls and my sissy son.

The day did not go as any of us expected with our SUV breaking down on the dirt road up the mountain. But my sissy son and my oldest girl got some roadside strap-on action. Daddy enjoyed stroking off while he watched!  What a wonderful start to fathers Day. I have nothing to say for myself other than I enjoy being an Anal sex mommy that likes to fuck assholes when she is stressed! We got the car running and finished the pegging holiday for daddy Cum-fucking-pletly eradicating sissy and girl asses are what mommies like me lust after sometimes!

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