Sissy Boy mommy Dominatrix

Sissy boy mommy

Sissy Boy’s mommy Dominatrix Regina knows how to handle unruly men and boys alike. 

This particular story comes from a man who pays for my mommy’s services. Besides the fact that my offspring enjoys my milk, I have men who pay for play for a mommy experience much like you do over the phone. And I would love to have you recreate the mommy dominatrix scene that happened just the other day. 

Now this client has a wonderful backstory about his aunt who made him a baby for her. Humiliated and regressed from when he was just a little boy all the way until he was in his teenage years. And Mr. Sissy’s baby really enjoyed it. He longed for a mean woman to put him in his little boy place. He had put it out of his mind, until some years later when he was able to afford an escort with lactating tits. That would be this Mommy! But by now his obsession with a dominating woman had evolved into him becoming a completely utter slave boy. After some months of just using my mommy titties and being put in diapers and bondage.

I decided that this man needed something just a little more. The fact that he had a nice decent dick did not elude me. I knew I would have to put all my sissy training phone sex skills to use on this one. I decided that my sissy slave would need to completely pleasure me and humiliate himself before he ever got another taste of breast milk or milf cunt. Cumming on my boots and licking my pussy was just part of our naughty playtime. But in the end, my big sissy baby little boy did what he was told so he can get some mommy milk. And I sure hope you do what you are told, so you can be my good baby boy.

Sissy training phone sex

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