Sexy phone chat with Momma Daphne

Sexy phone chat

Tommy came to me, he is one of my son’s friends. He asked me if I could teach him how to please a girl the way I taught my little man to please girls. I smiled and told him he needed to ask his own mommy. Tommy got down on his knees and started begging me! I pulled up the hem of my skirt to show him mommy cunt. He licked his lips but he was taking too long. I grabbed the back of his head and pushed his face against my pussy! Forcing this little fucking prick to lick my cunt! I told him I was going to smother him unless he made me cum! His tongue went wild on my clit! He tried to put his fingers inside of my pussy! I slapped the back of his head, making him dive deeper into my pussy! Oh Tommy was such a fast learner! He ate my pussy till I came all over his young sweet face. He smiled and proudly showed me his hard cock as he licked my pussy juices off his face. I laughed and told him to call me when his balls dropped! 

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