Sexy Phone Chat with a MILF

Sexy phone chatI had just come home from the grocery store, and all of my darlings had been gone since just before I left that morning. So, when I heard someone in my kitchen, where I was headed before the sound, I stopped dead in my tracks. Unfortunately, I hadn’t stopped quickly enough, because I heard the silence fall over the area. I tried to get back to the front door, but just as I reached it, I felt hands wrap around me and press me into the door. I squirmed a lot trying to break his hold, until I felt his cock hardening against my back near my ass. Then, I settled right down, because I knew that I had no chance of breaking his hold, and his hard cock was making my cunt wet. His voice in my ear was gruff, along with his whiskers rubbing my ear was an arousing combination. My puss was completely dripping now. His hand slid down my body, under my skirt, and into my pussy, and that gruff voice chuckled in my ear, causing my puss to juice up even more. His fingers started thrusting, moving, drawing a gasp and a moan out of me. I couldn’t have helped myself it I wanted to. His other hand moved to cover my breast, and I thrust back against his hard shaft. That chuckle again, right in my ear, and I just moaned out my lust. Before I knew what was happening, his cock was between my lips and sliding up into me, while those still-wet fingers moved to massage my clit. I wrapped my arms back around his neck and cocked one leg up on the table next to the door so he could get deeper. His cock pummeled my cervix, and it got me off 3 times before he even came once. I kept him there fucking right up until my darlings got home, and they joined us.


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    • Rick on February 5, 2017 at 2:36 am
    • Reply

    You are such a hotttie!

    • Jorge on February 6, 2017 at 9:13 am
    • Reply

    Mami, te necesito!

    • Hank on February 6, 2017 at 9:30 am
    • Reply

    Mmmm you are one hot little whore!

    • John on February 6, 2017 at 11:37 pm
    • Reply

    Hottest MILF ever!!

    • Kent on February 8, 2017 at 12:12 pm
    • Reply

    your hot I want to join to

    • Justin on February 8, 2017 at 11:11 pm
    • Reply

    You got my cock so hard right now!!

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