Sexy phone chat

sexy phone chat

I was in my room, laying naked on my bed. I had the phone pressed up against my face while my pussy was soaking wet in between my legs. I was moaning so loudly on the phone and fucking my pussy with my long sexy fingers. I was thinking about my hot sons cock being inside of my mouth. The guy on the phone was pretending to be my well hung boy.

I guess I was being too loud since I glanced over at my door way and saw my son standing there, with his fat cock in his hand. My clit was so hard and my pussy lips were so glistening wet watching him while I was on the phone. I got of my call and motioned for my son to come and join me here on the bed.

I put my hand on his cock and started fucking it, squeezing it up and down. He was secreting so much pre cum. I leaned my face down and put my nice full lips around his throbbing hard soft cock head. I popped him in and out of my mouth, taking him deeper with each thrust. I could kiss his balls at the same time that his cock was all the way in my mouth.

It is time to lean back on that bed and shove that sticky hot cock inside my pussy. I sat right on that cock and bounced my pink pussy up and down his fat shaft. He was stretching me open so wide. I am going to fuck that boy cum right inside my mommy pussy. I am cumming on his cock, squirting all down it and soaking his balls.

Come on my love, please give me that hot load and fill me all the way up.

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