Reginas Milf fantasy Stories

Milf fantasy stories

Milf fantasy Stories of mommy and daughters. Taking the next generation of sluts and turning them out has to be one of my favorite pastimes. As an American mom, I know how important sex skills will be for my girls. I teach them real core family values to survive in this world. Sex is power and the more my darlings understand that that pussy can move mountains the better off they will be. I started teaching my girls about self-pleasure first, not to mention how much I wanted to touch them. So, I did and got caught by my first husband who said I was an abomination. I have come to understand he was an idiot!  He had me right where he wanted and didn’t follow through. So I played in secret with my girls in my next marriage moving on to my stepsons and brothers-in-law. My pussy went crazy after being a breeding whore for several years, I guess. And now I’m on my third marriage and this man appreciates my daughter and son fucking in ways no one will ever understand. Well, except for a few of my callers… 

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