pregnant slut

Breeding phone sex

I love being pregnant and having my pussy and my tits swell up and get nice and juicy! Men love to suck on my big mommy titties and it feels so fucking good they do not even have to worry about cumming deep inside of my cunt since I’m already knocked up! I love having cum drip out of all of my tight holes! It feels so fucking good getting fucked in my swollen cunt that my tits just leak milk everywhere and guys love lapping it all up like the horny little brats they are! My hormones are through the roof making my bald cunt dripping wet! It needs a big thick cock ramming deep inside of me! I can not wait to be your nasty little whore! I want you to fuck me like the worthless breeding slut that I am! I want to milk every last drop out of your cock with my tight little fuck holes!

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