Pregnant phone sex whore Paisely

pregnant phone sex

 I have gotten so used to having all of these guys constantly fucking me and shooting their seed into my slutty little fuck hole. I crave cum all of the time now that I’m a knocked up Mommy slut. Daddy knows how bad I still crave thick, warm shots of cum deep in my tight cunnie but he just can’t keep up with me! Being a preggo whore has me in the mood to fuck all of the time! Daddy placed an ad on a special website. One for guys looking for young, hot pregnant sluts like me to fuck. Guys can’t get enough of my tight, wet mommy cunt! That works out perfectly for me, because I can’t get enough of those hard dicks and fat cum shots! The first guy that came over had a massive cock! He pounded my wet pussy so hard, I thought that my little fuck trophy was going to pop right out, early! He shot so much hot, sticky cream into my mommy hole. I could feel his stiff cock throbbing in my jizz soaked pussy as I bounced on it! Preggo sluts know how to have the best time!

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