Pregnant phone sex slut Paisely

pregnant phone sex

Now that I’m knocked up, it’s like I constantly want to fuck! I’ve become even more of a cum slut! I wake up rubbing my pussy and craving a fat cock in my wet hole. I even go to sleep watching porn and playing with my vibrators. I go out and get fucked by random guys every day. When I’m at home, I stay on the phone, talking to guys all day and finger fucking my wet pussy. Making a guy cum turns me on so much! I’m such a naughty, pregnant phone sex slut that I even let my Daddy listen sometimes. He loves to stand at the door, jerking his hard dick and watching. My heavy tits dribble milk down my big, round belly as I make my preggo pussy cum over and over. I can never get enough. As soon as I hang up the phone, I’m already rubbing my clit and getting ready to cum again! I hope you’re ready to get nasty and make me cum because I’m already playing with this tight, hot preggo slut pussy and waiting for you!


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