Preggo phone sex whore Paisely

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If you love impregnation stories then, preggo phone sex slut Paisely has a naughty story to tell you! Stroke your hard cock for me and I’ll tell you about training my little cousins to be breeder sluts like me and my brats. My uncle dropped them off to me for the summer and I’m ready to get them trained and hopefully knocked up before he picks them back up. I’m making sure that their tiny, teen cunts are ready to be bred. When they’re not getting fucked by Daddy or whatever guys he drags home from the bars, then they’re bouncing and riding on my strap-on. I’m making sure that they learn how to use their precious, little cunts to milk big, hard cocks! We have lots of work to do but I know that with my guidance, these young sluts will be sexy, little preggo whores in no time! All men love preggo slut pussy, especially when it’s still so tiny and tight! Want to be a practice cock for these little cum rags to ride and drain? You could come over and get to know us all a little better. Let me bring them into the room so you can take your pick. They’re all so sexy with their hot, little bodies, tight, young cunnies and perky tits. I’ll strip them down and have them bend over with their legs spread so that you can see how pretty those bald cunts look from behind! You can just decide which little whore you want to ram your dick into first and I’ll make it happen. First I’ll make her suck your cock, making sure she slobbers all over it and gets it nice and wet so that it slides in that tight pussy easier. I’ll suck your balls while your stiff dick tears into that tight, virgin cunnie! Don’t keep us waiting for too long because I’m already on the prowl, looking for sperm donors to knock up a few hot, young breeders!

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