Preggo Phone sex : Unprotected son sex

preggo phone sex

Preggo phone sex happens when mommy doesn’t use protection with her son. Really birth control is not something I think about when mommy is having the time of her life on another cock. Why should it be any different when my son gets his first taste of my milf cunt? I first brought the idea up when I noticed how engorged my son’s cock was all the time. He has a problem, he said no girl from school was good enough for him. He said he liked Milfs and had lost his virginity to the busty redhead that cuts his hair. But she had moved and gotten married and he was so sad.

I knew that I could handle him, and I also didn’t think about getting pregnant by my own boy. Mommy son phone sex is what I do and I know how to handle my boys. I told him I wouldn’t tell his father or anyone. I just couldn’t let that cock ache for some milf with big tatas anymore. I know it’s my fault for having my tits out all the time.

But these lactating titties are my money makers and I have to take care of them. So when he relented and let mommy get on top I was thrilled. Plus my son has a decent dick too! I’m bouncing my pussy and tist and he asks… Mommy, are you on birth control? Certainly not I tell him! Hormones mess with my milk production! His face was so shocked and he asked if I still could get pregnant. I can, it’s just less common. And I begin to think of a fertile young man’s cock and my cycle! Welp, get mommy pregannt, cuz its boundto happen!

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