Phone sex whore

 phone sex whore

 I love setting my boys up for a good time. I sat my son in front of the computer and made him watch some sexy porn that I found on the web. I had him jerk off stroking that big long hard dick to all the nasty stuff that I made him watch. I got on my hands and knees and sucked his cock into my mouth as I made him open a special file saved to my computer.

The file had lots of pictures of me and his sisters and other men that were my friends. I kept jerking his dick down my throat while I made him look at his sisters pink little tight pussy and a thick man cock going balls deep inside of her. His cock was so full of cum! I finally put on a clip of me fucking with his sister right beside me getting her pussy pounded by him.

He blew his fat sticky cum load right into my mouth. Now I need that cock right inside this sloppy wet mommy pussy hole.

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