Phone sex Mommy Tales of Little Man

phone sex mommy

I am the perfect phone sex mommy to men that are short of Stature. I have my 50-year-old man who is Jockey sized who loves a dominate taller woman.  He makes my pussy wet with his Micheal Jay Fox Good Looks and Tom Cruize Skin Color! A man who loves the 6 ft  Amazon Dykes of the Hamptons! He wants to be broke in half by this Mommy. Bent over my knee and spanked like the little boy sized body he has! And my small handsome man has this little waitress that would dwarf among the fabulously long legged tall Price is Right Models. My oldest is taller than him and so is most of her 6th-grade class!  Why I just want to take my sexy brat sized man and little waitress female and be there slut dom mommy for the night. Dress them up as I do my little sluts and have some perverted P-mommy fun with them! I won’t forget my paddle either! I will force them to suck my milky tits as I take turns sucking each of their little sexes. Come here to mommy let me pinch those small cute little cheeks and have my way with you between my pussy glazed like a donut in my pussy juices.

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