Phone Sex Mommy Stories

phone sex mommyAs a phone sex mommy, I get to share all sorts of kinky family fucking stories. Even some dirty P stories. I play with all my brats in one way or another, however, my husband and I are swingers as well as incest whores. My husband has always had the fantasy of watching me fuck a black guy. I am no stranger to BBC.  I’m a normal hot blooded MILF who appreciates a nice huge cock on occasion. I told my husband about my jungle fever experiences. The stories made his dick hard. Last night, I seduced the black lawn boy. It wasn’t hard to do. No teen boy passes up MILF and cookies. It was convincing him to let my husband watch that I thought might be difficult. Not at all. Turns out our black lawn boy has been servicing the lady lawns of many of my neighbors. My husband has a nice cock. Our daughters and myself have no complaints.  My husband isn’t a cuckold like my some of our neighbors apparently. He is just a swinging freak who thinks it is hot to watch his slut wife take big black cocks. He loves watching me get stretched out. He loves the color contrast. He loves how much cum a black boy deposits in my pussy. He loves watching me act like a wild cat in heat. The entire time my pussy and ass were getting jammed full of young black dick, my boy toy husband was stroking his 7 inch love rocket which was dripping pre cum like a leaky faucet, making me wetter. I love fucking my husband. So  after about an hour of hardcore fucking  with the black lawn boy, I decided that this sexy mommy needed some double penetration. My husband took my ass, the lawn boy took my pussy and black on white balls were bouncing off each other as they fucked me hard. I love that my husband is secure enough in his manhood to share me with other men. Are you that secure?


    • Ryan on May 29, 2016 at 11:21 pm
    • Reply

    youre the best mother a could ask for…stunning, beautiful, and teaching them the way of their own mother. Your sexy personality would drive me wild if you were my mommy 😉

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