Phone sex milf

Phone sex milfHey boys I’m Polly, soon to be your favorite sissy mommy. Since I’ve been the breeding whore for my family all I want to do is please them and every man that breeds me. My husband encourages me to drain every drop of cum I can. Especially since it keeps my family together and gives a stress free life. I’ve also given my family a new little snot nose brat every year since I’ve reach legal age. I’m the perfect sissy mommy that loves to suck cock and my husband loves to breed me out to any man willing to pay whatever he ask. He often joins in the action while I’m being fucked and filled with cum. Are you my next breeder?My life is so perfect and I’m optimistic that I will find the next man soon to give me my next little brat. I hope it will be you daddy. im in need of cum oozing out of my tight little cunny.mommy whore

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