Phone sex blogs make my son horny

phone sex blogs

I was walking around the house and cleaning not paying attention to my son like a bad mommy. So I went ahead and peaked inside of my sons room. There he was with my computer. He had my blog pulled up and my naked picture made into full size. His cock was out and he was stroking it like a good boy. I knocked on the door and asked him what he had gotten into. His face got red and flushed. He started asking me about my blogs and telling me that his cock was throbbing had seeing how naked and dirty I was.

I took my sons cock out of his hand and told him to let mommy do this. I started stroking his cock in my hand while I took my clothes off. I put his cock pressed up against my tits. I was stroking him up and down in between my big boobs. I could see his cock leaking pre cum out of that thick mushroom head. I started sucking on it, pulling it all into my mouth. He taste so good. I told him it was okay to start pumping himself harder in and out of my mouth.

He is really making my mommy pussy soaking wet. I get up and take my mouth off of his cock. I lay back on his bed and tell him to penetrate. This is what he wants, this is what he has been beating off to. He wants to fuck the shit out of his mommy. I spread my thighs and help guide that son cock right into my pussy. I beg him to go deep, all the way in. He is going to get my mommy pussy cum and I am going to get that hot son cum.

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