Party Girl Trixie

Jack Off With MommyIt was a long night for my pussy and I! I Partied hard this Halloween night. I couldn’t help but jump on every cock at the party I held. When I pop this next young one out, who knows which daddy cock it belongs to seeing as my body count hit triple digits tonight. I was wearing a slutty red dress, with high heels and the sexiest makeup to show how much of a devil I really can be. I craved these cum loads all night long and it’s finally the treat I’m getting that I deserve! Any man I put my eyes on knew my pussy was coming for them! They can’t run away from here, or from me! This dripping cunt is ready to give a good scare when I grab you and from behind the bedroom door and drag you in! I strip you out of the costume you’re in and throw myself onto you! Our bodies grow hot and sweat in ecstasy and cum juices. I spread my long and smooth legs for you to take my cunt into your mouth until I cum all over it! I finished every single cock off with my mouth and enjoy my treats!

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