My friends baby boy

milf chatI was supposed to be good an watch my friend’s son for the weekend. My friend was away on a work trip, and she was trusting me with keeping her baby boy safe. I didn’t realize how grown the boy got, but I was impressed. I made sure he did his homework and even helped him a bit. I noticed he was on some milf chat site. I guess having his sexy “Aunt Daphne ” Over had him rather horny. I was like an aunt to this boy and knew I shouldn’t cross that line. My wet twat can’t help it young cock is like vitamins I have to have them. I got my naughtiest outfit on and seduced the fuck out of him. I spread my legs and told him he could touch feel and play with any part of my body. His shyness dropped quickly, and we began to fuck hard and long the whole weekend. My cunt was cum filled so much that I had to make sure I wasn’t in the line of fire. I hope I’ve not knocked up again 😮

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