Mommy whore

mommy whore

 I decided to go for a swim before my boys came home. I am super horny and needed some time to cool off. When my boys got home, they saw me naked in the pool and immediately took their clothes off to join me. We all took turns making out and groping one another. They could not keep their hands off of my big tits or my soaking wet cunt.

They were finger banging my pussy hard and deep, to where I needed their cock in me. They made a mommy sandwich. My older son had me straddle his waist while his cock slid into my swollen pussy hole. My other son grabbed a hold of me from the back and fucked his cock inside my ass. I love being stuffed by my sons any day!

They are going to make a mess out of my pussy and ass hole by creampieing a nice fat load in me.

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