Mommy whore

Mommy whore

No! you’re doing it all wrong Mommy whore knows best,  I grabbed my little munchkins dick  placing it softly in my mouth , this is exactly how you deep throat Minnie. I have to

show my little Minnie whore how to suck a dick, I caught my Minnie today giving the neighborhood boy a blow drop and she was doing it all wrong from what I seen.

I was so upset, I know I showed her how to

suck a fat hard cock, she must deep throat that cock and let it hit the back of her throat until her eyes water then spit on it. You have to caress the dick Minnie make it hard

moving your hand up and down over the dick sucking on the tip on the head. Don’t forget to look up at him Minnie, that lets them know you love sucking dick, your mommy

taught you well, I know I did. Matter a fact Minnie it’s your turn give your brother the best fucken blow job ever. He has been bad letting you suck on his pee pee without telling

mommy first. I would suck your dick right on if you need me to baby mama is always here to help you. Lay back and let sissy put all your cum in her walls. Then you can fuck

mommy for beating sissy’s raw pussy up so good. Good thing I caught you too. I was fucking horny, Daddy has been at work all day, I just need to be fucked already. Come on

let’s fuck more until daddy gets home or he will be upset he wasn’t included in this fuck fest.  

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