Mommy Phone Sex Stories

mommy phone sexMommy phone sex stories are something I have a lot of to share. I’ve been an incest mom since my first marriage; just now I have a husband who supports me. My husband and I often role play that he is my son since he is so much younger than me; but he likes to watch too. This morning our oldest boy, barely a teen, came into our room. He had a wicked hard on that he couldn’t take care of on his own. He told us he had been jacking off for a good 30 minutes, but was still rock hard. My husband told our son, “Let mommy take care of her boy.” He sat on the edge of the bed with his cock sticking straight up. I slipped between his legs to give him the best head I could at 6 in the morning. He grabbed my red locks and started thrusting in and out of me. Felt amazing to get skull fucked by my son so early in the morning. I opened my eyes as he was spewing his yummy cum down my throat. My husband was stoking his dick. I wanted my husband’s cock in me so badly, but my son wanted to lick my wet mommy pussy. How could I deny him that? I laid down on the bed, spread my legs and let him work his magic tongue on my clit. He spelled out, “I love you mommy,” on my clit which had me cumming so hard. My husband was standing over me stroking his cock. I was prepared to take his load on my face or tits, but my son backed away from my wet puss so his daddy could give me his stiff dick. Daddy fucked me while my son watched this time. What a wonderful way to start my day.

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