Mommy phone sex

mommy phone sex

I am dating someone and my oldest just can’t handle it. He gets so jelly knowing that his mommies pussy is someone else’s at times. I mean of course I will always be my sweethearts but I thought it might be nice to include both of them in on some mommy fun. I am in my bed completely naked and my boyfriend is coming in the room getting ready for me to blow him and fuck his dick with all my holes. As my man is fingering my pussy and sucking on my tits and I think now is a perfect time to call out to my son. I scream out his name, and he comes rushing into my room. He sees me getting finger banged and I insist that he comes over and joins. He was really shy! It was so cute! I took his cock out and slid it into my mouth. I sucked and tugged on every inch of it until it was building up with cum, he was so long and thick. I think mommy’s holes need some double penetration. I want my mans cock in my ass and my pussy hole wrapped around my sons cock. I could not help myself. I loved both of them sharing me. I got two cum loads inside of me! They pumped their dicks until they were ready to blow. 

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