Mommy phone sex

mommy phone sex

 I am so lonely since my son went off to visit his father this weekend. So I decided to put my sons brand new phone to good use. I walked over to my bathroom and sent him pictures of my mommy pussy, some photos of my large breasts and a picture of my pussy from the back if I were on all fours showing off my ass at the same time. Once I sent the photos to him, I sent him a text to call me and to go somewhere private. My son called me immediately after receiving the photos and complemented me on how great the photos were, telling me how much he wishes he could be fucking my mommy pussy. I told him how bad I wanted his hard thick cock inside of me, making me cum and moan just the way I taught him. I put the phone by my pussy as I played with my wet clit. My son couldn’t help but cum, moaning and begging me to cum on the phone with him. I thanked him for making me feel not so lonely and told him I have a surprise waiting for him at home since I made a really big supper for him. I sent another picture of my self nude with whip cream all over, letting him know that desert comes before supper.

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