Mom phone sex makes you remember

mom phone sex Mom phone sex makes you remember when you were little and your Mommy was pregnant. Mommies tummy swelled up and she would let you run it so you could feel your brother or sister? grew larger and larger she would grin at you and ask you if you would like to caress her tummy. You loved witnessing mommies body grow. And she thought you were being extra snuggly but even then you wanted her tits all to yourself! Her titties were getting so big too! You found yourself touching your little cocklette every time you would think about her, and it would get hard every time you would touch her. Did you see her lying naked after her bath? You watched her rub all over herself and talk to the wee one inside her. She was cooing at her belly as she began to play with her pussy. She didn’t see you over the edge of the bed. Jacking you cock off so hard and fast! You didn’t tell your Mommy you’d do that or what happened when you touched her skin, but part of you wishes you had. It’s okay, and you can tell me all about it. There is nothing wrong with having a Pregnant phone sex fantasy about your Mommy during her pregnancy; it is normal. There must be moments when you remember that time and you still get hard, isn’t it?

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