Mom Fantasies and Milf Fantasies are Always Common in Young Boys

mom fantasiesWhat are your mom fantasies? I am sure you have them. Maybe not for your own mother, but someone’s mother, right? Mature sexy women will always have a certain appeal to them. We exude confidence and experience. That is what young boys crave. They also crave big tits and a round ass. Schoolgirls are bean poles. Women become mothers and they develop curves that young boys find attractive. All three of my sons are mother fuckers, but they have fantasized or fucked other mothers too. My youngest son just admitted to me that one of his teachers has been coming on to him. I immediately got jealous. That was my first instinct. I want to be his only mommy whore, but I know that is not realistic. I tried to push my green-eyed monster to the back of the class to talk to my son about his hot teacher. I knew who she likely was before he said her name. I have met all his teachers, but this one is in her 30s, single and very attractive. She is built like me too, so no doubt part of my son’s attraction to her is because she resembles me. After we talked about his hot teacher, I decided we should role play that I was his teacher. I can role play with my sons. In fact, I encourage role playing in the bedroom with anyone. We did a naughty teacher role play where I asked him to stay after class to talk. That is when I gave him the strapping young lad speech and asked if he had a girlfriend yet. It was hot, like acting out a caller’s milf fantasy stories. I did get jealous again for a moment though when my son fucked me so hard thinking I was Ms. Lewis. I encouraged my son to let his sexy teacher seduce him. I doubt she can teach him anything I have not already taught him.  I realize I cannot keep my little stud muffin all to myself forever.

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