Mom Chat

mom chatMost of my callers call me for mom chat. They either want to role play that I am their mother, or they want to share their real experiences with their mother and or hear mine. I love that. I was not always a P mommy. In fact, when guys ask me who molested me when I was a young girl to make me such a pervert, I always say no one. I had a normal youth. I never lost my virginity until I was a freshman in college. It was the 80s. It was before milf porn was a thing. Hell, it was before the Internet was a thing that let us have all sorts of videos and pictures of mature sex women with younger men. I went through a bad divorce, and my two oldest boys were there to pick up the pieces. They got lucky because I was vulnerable during their horny teen years. I did not seduce them. I was not the mommy whore I am now. Our sexual awakenings collided, and I am grateful. I know my youngest son and daughter are grateful too. If I did not have the relationship I had with my older two boys, I never would have seduced their half-brother and sister. Now, we are a kinky family and I have a husband who not only thinks I am hot, but thinks incest is hot too. I sometimes feel bad that my oldest three got shorted a dad, but in losing him, they gained me. And I think most boys would take that loss to say that they got to fuck their own mother. When I got divorced, he had nothing to do with his two sons and daughter. None of us have seen him since. Fine by us though. They did not have time to miss him though because they were playing with my wet mommy pussy.

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