Milking It

Lactating phone sex

I already have some little ones running around the house, and because I have been preggo back to back I still breastfeed.  That means that sometimes when I get really excited I express milk.  I cannot control it, it’s a “let down” response, it just happens.  I have tasted it before, I have to say it is pretty good.  It isn’t thick at all, it is more watery than anything, but it is so sweet.  If you ever have a chance to taste some I highly recommend it.

Earlier this morning I braved the crazy people and went out to start Christmas Shopping.  While I was at one of the stores a little one started to cry and I started to leak.  I didn’t know it was happening so when I saw this younger guy looking at my shirt I thought I had it on backwards or had a huge stain on it.  I looked down and you could see my milk just spreading through the material around my nipples.  I hate wearing a bra so there was no barrier between my milky tits and my shirt.

I smiled at him and he looked embarrassed but smiled back.  I went into the restroom and turned my shirt around after expressing some of my milk into the sink so it wouldn’t happen again.  Or at least I hoped it wouldn’t.  Because of the crowds it took forever to get my pretty ass out of there.  I was pissed because it was taking so damn long.  I got into my car and my tits were feeling full again so I lifted my shirt and started to express some milk into an empty water bottle that I had in my car.

I look up and there is that same guy, just looking at me, watching!  I let him.  He watched the whole time, it was actually pretty fucking hot.  I got a least 12 ounces total out of both of my tits.  I started my car, and pulled up to him and I handed him the water bottle.  I could tell that his dick was pretty fucking hard under his jeans.  He looked at the tit milk in the water bottle like it was the most precious thing in the world.  I drove away and made my way home.  I keep thinking about him and wondering what he did with it.

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