Milf phone sex humiliations given

Milf phone sex

Some men need Milf phone sex to humiliate them for those extremely perverse fetishes. Take my man E, he has a need for some black boy cock and to be a sissy p-man who gets his ass blasted while he is pumping one of my offsprings boy butts. Sissy P-daddies have to be one of my most enjoyed sessions. Getting to tell the dude how vile he is and what a pretty sissy he will make while doing my sons is so fucking hot. Plus this old whore does have some fashion gear especially for a slutty sissy bitch with a. Millimeter Peter that needs some time on the street.  “Time on the Street??? ” You ask. Yes, that’s how I started many years ago as a runaway from a strict and needy grandfather who expected me to only service his old floppy cock. So never doubt how mean this momma is. I’ll take your abuse when you deserve cock worship! But if I sense any weakness in your aura, I will make you my sissy son whore! Momma always knows best when it comes to SPH and sissy training phone sex. 


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