Milf chat with Mommy

Being a mom and holding down a job are two things that are hard enough on their own, so if I can ever combine the two of them I do. I have several fathers of my mini’s friends that constantly trying to get into my panties. Not only the dads but friends of my girls as well, their age too. I am flattered by it and I want to please everyone. As well as myself of course, so I cam up with this awesome idea.

Milf chat

I am going to offer sex seminars at my home in the evenings by appointment and I am going to advertise them at the school to my girls friends. i will invite them and encourage them to bring daddy too. Then at these sex seminars I am going to fuck the shit out of them, so they will stop cat calling me. They get what they want and I get some cock out of it. Sounds like a win win to me.

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