Lube it up

 Preggo phone sexLittle boy I just want you to lube up that big fat long dick and stick it in mommy’s asshole. I want you to fuck this asshole good. You are going to lube it up, then slowly penetrate moms asshole. That’s a huge dick its going to hurt. Tear my asshole apart baby go ahead. I love that big fat long dick. While you fuck me in the ass I want you to wear a strap on and fuck me in my pussy so fucking hard. While you double penetrate this sexy mommy I want you to start rubbing my clit with your hand. Oh fuck yeah baby fuck me so fucking good and hard. I love that dick. I’m grabbing my titties squeezing my nipples. I’m ready to orgasm, oh yeah oh yeah ahhhhhh, I just squirted all over you cock and balls. Then I feel that big cum shot in my ass.

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