Lil’ Mommy Whore

mommy whore

This Lil’ Mommy whore is such a tease when she is full of a brat. I crave cock constantly just like pickles and Chocolate ice cream! Oh, I crave chocolate cream as well from a big fat cock! Why Must I be so horny! I think it’s because daddy told me when I was pregnant last time that I am the most beautiful woman he has ever seen! Nobody ever had called me beautiful before. And the Whole time i was pregnant daddy wanted to fuck my brains out every day! Now, this little mommy slut doesnt get to fuck daddy as much since he went back to the office!

So. I seek out men on tinder and Ashley madison, because I have daddy issues! Older men just fuck better, in my opinion I love spreading my legs for a strange cock. Each fuck is different from the last and I have a need to touch the sexual rainbow! I need older mens cock and a man who knows how to handle a young preggo phone sex whore!

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